General theming
The configuration properties on this page affect all Unblu UIs.
The product color palette is defined by four main colors: primary, secondary, neutral, and gray. Each of these colors has an extended color palette composed of varying degrees of saturation/brightness which can be used throughout various elements of the user interface.
Primary palette: com.unblu.theme.color.primary
Extended primary color palette:
Secondary palette: com.unblu.theme.color.secondary
Extended secondary color palette:
Neutral palette: com.unblu.theme.color.neutral
Extended neutral color palette:
Gray palette: com.unblu.theme.color.gray
Extended gray color palette:
Feedback colors and secondary color map
Announcement highlight color: com.unblu.theme.color.announcement
Success highlight color: com.unblu.theme.color.success
Warning highlight color: com.unblu.theme.color.warning
Error highlight color: com.unblu.theme.color.error
Secondary color map: com.unblu.theme.color.secondaryColorMap.
Colors used for secondary elements such as avatars and virtual mouse cursor labels are chosen randomly from a set of colors determined in the configuration key above.
The info toasts for the various feedback types are configured separately. Refer to Info toasts below.
You can configure the size, color, and weight of text, but you can’t configure its placement in the UI. For example, if the UI uses a header 1 style, you can’t change it to header 2.
Font family
Heading 1: com.unblu.theme.font.heading1Size
Heading 2: com.unblu.theme.font.heading2Size
Heading 3: com.unblu.theme.font.heading3Size
Standard: com.unblu.theme.font.paragraphSize
Font line height
Font color
Inverted: com.unblu.theme.font.colorTextInverted
Inverted mid: com.unblu.theme.font.colorTextInvertedMid
Announcement: com.unblu.theme.font.colorTextAnnouncement
Warning: com.unblu.theme.font.colorTextWarn
Button padding
Tiny button
Small button
Standard button
Large button
Icon button padding
Tiny button
Small button
Standard button
Large button
Font weight
Line height
Primary and secondary buttons
Primary button style
Background states
Border width
Border states
Foreground states
Secondary button style
Background states
Border width
Border states
Foreground states
Minimum button width
This configuration property only applies to buttons for multiple choice questions.
Flat primary and secondary buttons
Flat primary button style
Background states
Border width
Border states
Foreground states
Flat secondary button style
Background states
Border width
Border states
Foreground states
Flat inverted buttons
Background states
Border width
Border states
Foreground states
Toggle buttons
Background states
Border width
Border states
Foreground states
Flat toggle buttons
Background states
Border width
Border states
Foreground states