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Concierge person customization

This page is about the concierge person and how it can be customized.

When the concierge takes part in a conversation, it is represented as a regular virtual person. It is identified by the predefined source id concierge-bot-person-id. Unlike agents or visitors, the person has the special type BOT (as do persons used by chatbots).

There is one concierge person per account.

Updating the concierge person

The concierge person can only be updated with the Unblu web API using the method:

POST http://<unblu-server>/app/rest/v3/persons/createOrUpdateBot

With a body looking like this:

    "$_type": "PersonData",
    "personSource": "VIRTUAL",
    "sourceId": "concierge-bot-person-id",
    "firstName": "Custom",
    "lastName": "Concierge",
    "avatar": null
If the concierge person does not exist yet (see below), it will be created by the method.

If you need to change the avatar, use the expand=avatar parameter and the following body:

    "$_type": "PersonData",
    "personSource": "VIRTUAL",
    "sourceId": "concierge-bot-person-id",
    "firstName": "Custom",
    "lastName": "Concierge",
    "avatar": {
        "$_type" : "Avatar",

Getting the concierge person

As any other person, the concierge person can be retrieved using the Unblu web API. It is a virtual person (personSource is VIRTUAL), and its source id is a constant (sourceId is concierge-bot-person-id):

GET http://<unblu-server>/app/rest/v3/persons/getBySource?personSource=VIRTUAL&sourceId=concierge-bot-person-id

The returned body looks like this:

    "$_type": "PersonData",
    "id": "xalzk-2hTHiGtsoooCZuGQ",
    "accountId": "3MBuodNcTMiUnVIod-qjIQ",
    "personSource": "VIRTUAL",
    "sourceId": "concierge-bot-person-id",
    "sourceData": null,
    "firstName": "Unblu",
    "lastName": "Concierge",
    "username": "unblu.concierge",
    "nickname": null,
    "displayName": "Unblu Concierge",
    "personType": "BOT",
    "authorizationRole": "REGISTERED_USER",
    "email": null,
    "phone": null,
    "teamId": null,
    "teamName": "",
    "avatar": "sF9_5JTBRWOnQY1qi8vtlg"
As expected, the personType is equal to BOT.

Again, if the avatar is relevant, the expand query parameter can be used (with the avatar value).